A great camera at time of its release and will still be a great camera for years after its discontinuation. There not many electronic items like this which its existence has changed they way human work in its specific area.
5D Mk II was the first DSLR to enable video recording. It is not just the pioneer, but also produces excellent performance which its competitors are still struggling to compete until today.
Once it was a general perception that there is no other way to produce a professional video quality without having to carry a bulky and very heavy equipments. Not forget an army of video crew as well.
Producing a cinematic or near cinematic quality in an extremely tight spaces was completely impossible.
To shoot a high quality HD video with professional or professional like quality video by a normal person like you or me once was only in our imagination.
5D Mk II has unlocked so many impossibility in photography. It has changed some aspect in the way how we take pictures, how we shoot video, how dark we can go etc etc.
Maybe it is not too much to say that 5D Mk II is the most influential and popular DSLR in the history.
Good bye old friend.